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Social insurance and labor consultant office

China-Japan Partners

Tax accountant office partner

We provide human resources and labor consulting services related to people so that managers can focus on running their companies.
Reduce the burden on customers and benefit both managers and employees

We aim to create the best possible working environment.

Tax accountant office partner

Business Content

Labor procedure agency

When an employee joins or leaves a company, procedures for joining or withdrawing from labor insurance, employment insurance, social insurance, etc. require the preparation of paperwork in accordance with insurance laws and regulations. By entrusting these complex procedures to our experts, we can carry them out quickly and accurately.

Personnel and labor consulting

In recent years, work style reforms and labor-related laws have been revised frequently, and the working environment in companies has also changed significantly. We listen carefully to our clients' requests, analyze the current situation of the company, and propose optimal solutions to problems.

Payroll calculation service

Accuracy is the most important factor in payroll calculations. Furthermore, payroll calculations that are complicated and time-consuming due to changes in insurance premiums and payment amounts, etc.
In order to reduce the burden on our clients, we provide payroll calculation services using specialized payroll software. In addition to managing social insurance premiums and other fees and processing the calculations reliably, we also have a system in place to constantly report to clients on areas for improvement in labor management and provide regular follow-ups on labor.


Subsidies are a subsidy system implemented mainly by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to prevent unemployment, increase employment, and develop human resources. If a company in need meets the application requirements, it can receive a subsidy. Our office keeps abreast of a wide variety of subsidy information and will propose the most suitable subsidy for our clients. Subsidies may be available for new hiring, retirement age extension, training and education, etc. Please feel free to consult with our office regarding application requirements, subsidy amounts, procedure flow, etc.

Tax accountant office partner

Office Overview

Office Name

Labor and Social Security Attorney Office

China-Japan PARTNERS


Representative Labor and Social Security Attorney

Naoko Sasaki

1st Floor, Hanaguruma Building North Wing,

5-4-14 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya,

Aichi Prefecture, 450-0002, Japan


Contact Information
TEL: 052-414-4355  
FAX: 052-414-4378  


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Tax Accountant Corporation

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Administrative scrivener corporation

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Chunichi Partners

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