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The image lists several types of inquiries. Here are the details
How did you find out about our group's website?

Handling of personal information *

*For other information about our company's handling of personal information, please see "Personal Information Protection Policy/Disclaimer ." After confirming the above items, if you agree, please check "Agree" above.

Thank you for your submission.

Telephone consultations and inquiries

Telephone reception hours: Weekdays 9:00-18:00

Nagoya Head Office

Chunichi Partners Tax Accountants Corporation
TEL 052-414-4356

Administrative Scrivener Corporation Chunichi Partners
TEL 052-414-4355

Social Insurance and Labor Consultant Office Chunichi PARTNERS
TEL 052-414-4355

Chunichi Partners Co., Ltd.
TEL 052-414-4357

The fax number is common to all parts of the Nagoya head office.
FAX: 052-414-4378

Osaka Branch

Chunichi Partners Co., Ltd.
TEL 06-6776-2498
TEL 06-6776-2497

FAX: 06-6777-2029

*If you are using a smartphone, touch the number to make the call.

*If you would like a free consultation, please let us know the date you would like to visit our office.

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