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Management support

For who wants to


a companey

For who wants to

run a



For who wants to

obtain a loan

or a subsidy

For who wants to establish a company​(corporation)

1.Consultation about before the establishment of a company


We offer consultation about important decisions which are related to establish a company (corporation). For example, corporate form (limited liability company,etc.), capital (subscription), compensation for directors (salaries of board members), account period (accounting period, and length of the period), tax-reduction strategies.

 ※For non-Japanese, we also offer consultation with administrative scrivener about visa.

2.Support during the establishment of a company


If you decided to establish a company after preliminary consultation, we  will support to go through procedure for establishing a company with judicial scrivener.

​3.Support after the establishment of a company


The completion of the establishment of a comlpany is not the completion of our service. We will take care of submitting tax notification which must be done after establishing a company, and also provide tax accountant adviser plan for stable management of your business by providing accounting guidance and yearly tax and accounting support. -

​ ※For more specific information about tax accountant adviser plan➪


For who wants to run a private business

1.Support before the establishment of a private business


We offer consultation about tax and declaration beforestarting a business as a private business owner. We sill answer to your questions and anxieties to boost business development. For example, how to bookkeeping as a private business owner, types of tax that has to be paid, matters to be attended to, and so on.

2.Support after the establishment of a private business


We are able to provide total accounting and tax service. Customers, who want to concentrate on their own business, can rely on our professional services.

For who wants to obtain an land and a subsidy

1.For who wants to obtain a loan


It is a way to get a loan to start a business, to develop a business, or to make investment.

We provide various support such as introducing financial institutions, preparing the required documents, process the loan application and going alone with you to the interview. Please let us know about your anxieties, questions and problems that you are facing. 

2.For who wants to obtain a grant・subsidy


There are many grants and subsidies that small and medium-sized companies or one-person business and receive, but many customers don't know because there is too little information about the grants and subsidies.

We will suggest the best subsidy plan for our customers, and support for procedures such as preparing required documents to receive the grant of subsidy.

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